Key Periods
Current Holder
Country of Origin
World War I
German, English
Australian National Maritime Museum
Cold War
Czech, French, German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, French, Arabic
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Italian, English, German
National Museum of Australia
National boundaries
German, English
State Library of Western Australia
World War II
Australian National Maritime Museum
World War II
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
World War II
Sydney Jewish Museum
World War I
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, Italian
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
World War II
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, French, German, Hebrew
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Western Australia Museum
World War II
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
World War II
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
World War II
English, Yiddish, Spanish
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, French, Arabic
Australian War Memorial
World War I
French, English
State Library of Victoria
World War II
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
Latvian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
Museums Victoria Collections
World War I
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Japanese, English
State Library of Queensland
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
State Library of Western Australia
World War II
German, Japanese, English
Australian War Memorial
World War II
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Australian War Memorial
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Polish, German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, French, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
World War II
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
World War I
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, Serbian
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Italian, Japanese
Australian War Memorial
World War II
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, Indonesian, Dutch, Malay, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi
National Library of Australia
World War II
Czech, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
State Library of New South Wales