English is the most spoken language in Australia, although English is not Australia’s official language. Sources in English are generally outside the scope of this research project. That does not mean no materials in the English language can be found on this website, as many archival collections contain letters and typescripts in more than one language. For instance, most personal files, like family papers, contain non-English language materials and sources written in English.
From the archive Filter this collection
World War II
English, French
Special Broadcasting Service (Australia)
World War II
Japanese, English
National Archives of Australia
Chinese, English
State Library of Victoria
Cold War
German, English
Immigration Museum Victoria
Cold War
English, Italian, Greek (Modern)
State Library of South Australia
World War II
Swedish, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Dutch, English
State Library of Tasmania, Australian National Maritime Museum, National Library of Australia, State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
Australian National Maritime Museum
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
Australian National Maritime Museum
World War I
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
English, French, Tahitian, Maori
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Czech, French, German, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
German, English
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
English, Greek (Modern)
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Turkish, English
State Library of Victoria
English, Norwegian
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, French, Arabic
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, French, Spanish
National Library of Australia
World War II
Italian, English, German
National Museum of Australia
World War I
English, Russian, French
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, French
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
English, Polish
State Library of Victoria
Cold War
English, Indonesian
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, Russian
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Russian, English
State Library of New South Wales
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
French, English, Spanish
National Library of Australia
Cold War
English, Japanese
Australian National Maritime Museum
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
World War I
Russian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Russian, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
German, English
State Library of Western Australia
Cold War
Latvian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia
National boundaries
Russian, English
State Library of Queensland
National boundaries
German, Spanish, English
State Library of New South Wales
English, Chinese
Public Record Office Victoria
Cold War
German, Norwegian, English
State Library of New South Wales
Spanish, English
State Library of Western Australia
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
English, French
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Cold War
French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, English
National Archives of Australia
National boundaries
Chinese, English
Warrnambool & District Historical Society
National boundaries
Chinese, English
Warrnambool & District Historical Society
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
National boundaries
Chinese, English
Warrnambool & District Historical Society
World War I
English, French
Museums Victoria Collections
Cold War
Arabic, English
Museums Victoria Collections
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Cold War
German, Hungarian, Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
English, German
State Library of Queensland
National boundaries
English, German, French
National Archives of Australia, Melbourne
World War II
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
Cold War
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
French, English, German
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
World War II
English, Italian
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
World War II
English, French, German, Hebrew
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
English, Estonian
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
English, Dutch, German, Italian, Greek (Modern)
Museums Victoria Collections
Cold War
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
English, Chinese
Public Record Office Victoria
English, Chinese
Public Record Office Victoria
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
English, Chinese
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
National boundaries
English, Chinese
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
Cold War
English, French
National Archives of Australia
World War II
Japanese, English
Museums Victoria Collections
Cold War
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
English, Chinese
Public Record Office Victoria
English, Chinese
National Museum of Australia
English, Chinese
Public Record Office Victoria
World War I
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
National boundaries
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
English, Chinese
Public Record Office Victoria
Chinese, English
Public Record Office Victoria
Chinese, English
State Library of Queensland, Townsville City Library
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
English, Chinese
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
English, Chinese
National Archives of Australia
English, Russian
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
Cold War
Indonesian, Dutch, English
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
German, English
National Library of Australia
Italian, German, English
State Library of New South Wales
Spanish, English, French, German
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, Yiddish, Spanish
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
German, English
Australian National Maritime Museum
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
World War I
English, French, Arabic
Australian War Memorial
English, French, German
Flinders University
National boundaries
German, English
Tasmanian Archives
English, French
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Yiddish, German, English
Private Collections
National boundaries
Spanish, English
State Library of Victoria
World War II
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English, French
The University of Sydney
Italian, English
State Library of Victoria
Dutch, English
State Library of Victoria
French, Spanish, English
National Library of Australia
World War I
English, German
State Archives of New South Wales
National boundaries
English, Chinese
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
English, German
National Library of Australia
World War II
German, French, English, Spanish, Italian
Western Australia Museum
Dutch, English
State Library of New South Wales, State Library of Western Australia
National boundaries
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
English, French, German, Russian
Sydney Jewish Museum
End of the Cold War
English, Chinese, Italian, Khmer, Spanish, Vietnamese, Greek (Modern), Polish
State Library of South Australia
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
French, English
State Library of Victoria
German, English
State Library of Victoria, State Library of Queensland, State Library of South Australia
English, French
National Library of Australia
Cold War
German, English
International Tracing Service
State Archives of New South Wales
Cold War
Arabic, English
Museums Victoria Collections
Tahitian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Italian, English
State Library of Victoria
World War II
Italian, English
State Library of Victoria
Cold War
Dutch, English
Australian National Maritime Museum
Italian, English
State Library of Western Australia
World War II
Yiddish, English
Private Collections
End of the Cold War
Italian, English
State Library of South Australia
Cold War
Polish, English
State Library of South Australia
English, French
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
National boundaries
Latvian, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
German, English
The University of Melbourne
World War I
State Archives of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
Museums Victoria Collections
World War II
Italian, English
State Library of Western Australia
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
End of the Cold War
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
Dutch, English
State Library of Western Australia
Dutch, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Japanese, English
State Library of Queensland
World War II
Japanese, Indonesian, Chinese, Malay, Portuguese, Dutch, English
State Library of Victoria
World War II
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
World War II
English, Italian
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
End of the Cold War
Greek (Modern), Italian, English
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
World War I
Italian, English
National Archives of Australia
World War II
Italian, Yiddish, English
National Archives of Australia
World War II
Italian, Polish, English
National Archives of Australia
World War I
State Archives of New South Wales
Cold War
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, French
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Russian, English
State Library of New South Wales
Chinese, English
Public Record Office Victoria
Chinese, English
Public Record Office Victoria
World War I
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
English, Dutch
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
National Library of Australia
World War I
German, English
National Library of Australia
World War II
German, Japanese, English
Australian War Memorial
World War II
German, English
National Archives of Australia
World War I
English, German
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
National boundaries
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
National boundaries
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
World War I
State Archives of New South Wales
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
State Library of Victoria
Greek (Modern), English
Personal collection
National boundaries
German, English
National Library of Australia
National boundaries
State Archives of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Arabic, English
National Archives of Australia
World War I
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
German, English
National Library of Australia
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
English, German, Dutch, French, Swedish
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Greek (Modern), English
State Library of Western Australia
Cold War
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
State Library of Queensland, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main
World War II
German, English, Hebrew
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
English, German
Herbert Basedow – Papers, 1856-1932, 1941; with incidental papers of Professor Ralph Tate, 1879-1899
State Library of New South Wales
Dutch, English
The University of Sydney
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
National boundaries
State Archives of New South Wales
World War II
Polish, German, English
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
State Library of Western Australia, Libraries and Archives Canada
Cold War
Indonesian, English, Dutch
National Archives of Australia
English, Chinese
Public Record Office Victoria
World War II
French, English
National Archives of Australia, Melbourne
World War II
German, French, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, Serbian
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, Russian
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
English, Dutch
National Archives of Australia
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
German, English
Archives & History Resources – City of Sydney
World War II
English, Indonesian, Dutch, Malay, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi
National Library of Australia
World War II
English, Japanese
National Archives of Australia
World War II
Czech, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
English, French
State Library of Queensland
World War I
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
Swedish, English
National Library of Australia
National boundaries
English, French
State Library of Victoria, State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English, Dutch
State Library of Queensland
World War II
English, German, Dutch
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
Cold War
Latvian, English
State Library of South Australia
World War I
Latvian, English
State Library of South Australia
World War II
Latvian, English
State Library of South Australia
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Koινοτικά ζητήματα Bικτώρια – Δυτική Αυστραλία,1953-2006 – Community issues Victoria – WA, 1953-2006
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
World War II
English, Italian
Library Association of Australia. New South Wales Branch
Cold War
Italian, English
State Library of Western Australia
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
National boundaries
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Japanese, English
State Library of South Australia
German, English, French
State Library of Western Australia
World War I
German, English
National Archives of Australia
World War I
French, English
State Library of Victoria
World War II
English, German
Museums Victoria Collections
Cold War
German, English
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Cold War
Spanish, English
National Library of Australia
English, Dutch
National Archives of Australia, Perth
French, English
National Library of Australia
World War I
State Library of New South Wales
English, Chinese, Dutch
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Italian, English
Australian War Memorial
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
English, Chinese
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Croatian, English
National Archives of Australia, Perth
English, French
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
Archives & History Resources – City of Sydney
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
State Library of South Australia
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Australian National Maritime Museum
Cold War
Hungarian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Latvian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
State Library of Victoria
World War II
English, Dutch
Australian War Memorial
World War I
Italian, English
State Library of Western Australia
German, English
State Library of New South Wales, State Library of Victoria
National boundaries
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
French, English, German
State Library of New South Wales
English, German, French, Latin
State Library of New South Wales
English, German, French
State Library of New South Wales
English, German, French
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Italian, English, Latin, Greek (Modern), French, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
National Archives of Australia
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia
World War II
German, English
National Archives of Australia
English, German
State Library of Queensland
National boundaries
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
English, French, Greek (Modern)
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Japanese, English
National Library of Australia
Dutch, English
State Library of Western Australia
English, French, German
State Library of New South Wales
Hebrew, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Ukrainian, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of South Australia
Cold War
Italian, English
Australian National Maritime Museum
World War II
German, English
National Library of Australia
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
English, French
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, Dutch
Western Australia Museum
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Cold War
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Greek (Modern), English, Russian, French
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
National Library of Australia
End of the Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
National Library of Australia
National boundaries
English, French
National Library of Australia
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
National boundaries
English, German
State Archives of New South Wales
Japanese, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
National boundaries
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Italian, English
State Library of Western Australia
Welsh, English
State Library of New South Wales
Welsh, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Adelaide
World War I
German, English
National Library of Australia
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales, State Library of Victoria
English, French
State Library of Western Australia
Cold War
Italian, English
Museums Victoria Collections
World War I
Greek (Modern), English
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
State Library of New South Wales, Bibliothèque nationale de France
World War I
National Archives of Australia
World War I
National Archives of Australia
World War I
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
Chinese, English, Italian
Museums Victoria Collections
World War II
Dutch, English
State Library of Victoria
Greek (Modern), English, Latin
National Library of Australia
World War II
Dutch, Indonesian, English, Esperanto, Italian
Sydney Jewish Museum
English, German
Royal Historical Society of Victoria
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
English, Croatian, Greek (Modern), Italian
Australian National University
English, French
National Archives of Australia, Melbourne
English, Chinese
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Dutch, English
State Library of New South Wales
Dutch, English
State Library of New South Wales
End of the Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
Cold War
English, Chinese
State Library of Victoria
Cold War
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
Hebrew, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Polish, English, Italian, Serbian, Croatian, Greek (Modern), Turkish
National Archives of Australia
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia
World War II
German, English
State Library of Victoria
World War II
English, Japanese
State Library of Western Australia
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
French, English, Italian
State Library of Victoria
Welsh, English
National Library of Australia, National Library of Wales
National boundaries
German, English
National Library of Australia
German, English
State Library of South Australia
Dutch, English, French
National Library of Australia
Greek (Modern), French, English
National Library of Australia
World War I
German, English
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Chinese, French, English
National Library of Australia
English, Italian, German
National Library of Australia
Hungarian, English
State Library of Victoria
German, English
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Czech, German, English
State Library of South Australia
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
End of the Cold War
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
German, English, Tok Pisin
National Library of Australia, State Library of New South Wales
Dutch, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, French
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
German, English
National Library of Australia
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
English, German, French, Danish
National Library of Australia
World War II
Polish, English
State Library of South Australia
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of Victoria
World War I
English, Arabic
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, Russian
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
National boundaries
Urdu, Hindi, English
National Archives of Australia
World War I
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
National boundaries
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
English, Esperanto
National Archives of Australia
World War II
Indonesian, English
State Library of South Australia
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Australian National Maritime Museum
World War I
English, German, Croatian
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Hebrew, Latin, English, Greek (Modern)
State Library of New South Wales
English, Chinese
Public Record Office Victoria
French, English
State Library of Queensland
Chinese, English
Public Record Office Victoria
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
French, English
State Library of Victoria
World War I
English, German, Croatian
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
English, German, Russian
State Library of Victoria
Cold War
English, Greek (Modern)
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
World War I
French, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
State Archives of New South Wales
Cold War
English, Vietnamese, Chinese
National Museum of Australia
World War I
Dutch, English
State Library of Western Australia
Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
German, English
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
National boundaries
German, English
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
World War II
Japanese, Indonesian, English
Bendigo Military Museum
World War I
State Archives of New South Wales
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Hebrew, English
Tasmanian Archives
Cold War
Italian, English
State Library of South Australia
German, English
State Library of Victoria
German, English
State Library of Victoria
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Polish, English
National Library of Australia
Dutch, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
French, English
National Archives of Australia, Melbourne
Cold War
English, German
State Archives of New South Wales
National boundaries
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
English, French
National Archives of Australia
German, English
National Library of Australia
World War II
State Archives of New South Wales
World War II
State Archives of New South Wales
World War II
English, Hungarian
State Library of Victoria
National boundaries
State Archives of New South Wales
English, Chinese, Greek (Modern)
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Latvian, English
State Library of New South Wales
Italian, English
State Library of Western Australia
World War II
English, Italian, Russian
State Library of New South Wales
English, French
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
English, Chinese
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Russian, English
National Archives of Australia
National boundaries
Japanese, English
State Archives of New South Wales
German, English, French
National Library of Australia
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
National boundaries
Japanese, English
State Library of Queensland
World War II
German, English
National Archives of Australia
Italian, English, French, Latin
National Library of Australia
World War II
English, Italian
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
Spanish, English
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Australian National Maritime Museum
World War II
English, Italian
National Archives of Australia, Melbourne
Spanish, English
State Library of Queensland
German, English
State Library of Victoria
World War II
German, English
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
French, English
State Library of Victoria
National boundaries
Czech, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
German, English
State Library of Queensland
Cold War
English, Indonesian
State Library of New South Wales
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
National boundaries
English, Chinese
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
National boundaries
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
German, English
State Library of Western Australia
World War II
German, French, English
National Museum of Australia
English, German, French
Archives & History Resources – City of Sydney
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
National Library of Australia
World War II
English, Greek (Modern)
National Archives of Australia
National boundaries
English, German
Libraries Tasmania
English, German
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
Russian, English
National Archives of Australia, Brisbane
World War I
Russian, English
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
English, Croatian, Italian, Greek (Modern)
State Library of South Australia
National boundaries
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
National Library of Australia
English, Chinese
State Library of New South Wales
German, English
State Library of Western Australia
English, French
State Archives of New South Wales, State Library of Tasmania
French, English
State Library of New South Wales, Libraries Tasmania
Dutch, French, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
World War II
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
German, English
State Library of Victoria
Cold War
English, Ukrainian
State Library of New South Wales
Italian, English
CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society (IHS), Melbourne
Chinese, English
Public Record Office Victoria
Dutch, English
State Library of New South Wales
End of the Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Museums Victoria Collections
World War II
English, German, Hebrew
State Library of New South Wales, Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
German, English
State Library of South Australia
World War II
English, German, French, Italian, Czech
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
English, German
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
End of the Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Museums Victoria Collections
Cold War
English, Greek (Modern), Italian
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
German, English
National Archives of Australia, Sydney
National boundaries
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
French, English
State Archives of New South Wales
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
End of the Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
National Library of Australia
End of the Cold War
English, Greek (Modern)
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
Cold War
English, Slovak, French, Italian
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Hellenic Historic & Cultural Centre NSW
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
World War II
English, Greek (Modern)
Αίτηση κατά της απέλασης δύο Ελλήνων ναυτικών – Petition against the deportation of two Greek seamen
Greek Community of Melbourne
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Kalymnian Brotherhood Darwin
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Hellenic Historic & Cultural Centre NSW
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Museums Victoria Collections
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Hellenic Historic & Cultural Centre NSW
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Hellenic Historic & Cultural Centre NSW
World War II
Greek (Modern), English, Turkish
Personal collection
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Hellenic Historic & Cultural Centre NSW
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Greek Community of Melbourne
World War II
English, Greek (Modern)
Greek Community of Melbourne
End of the Cold War
Greek (Modern), Turkish, English
Personal collection
World War II
Greek (Modern), Turkish, English
Personal collection
World War II
Greek (Modern), Turkish, English
Personal collection
End of the Cold War
Greek (Modern), English, Turkish
Personal collection
World War II
English, Greek (Modern)
Greek Community of Melbourne
National boundaries
Greek (Modern), English
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Hellenic Historic & Cultural Centre NSW
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Hellenic Historic & Cultural Centre NSW
World War II
Greek (Modern), English
Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora
End of the Cold War
Greek (Modern), English
Kalymnian Brotherhood Darwin
Greek (Modern), French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Maltese, Serbian, English
National Library of Australia
World War I
Chinese, English
State Library of Western Australia
World War II
Japanese, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
World War I
German, English, French
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
Chinese, English
Albury Library Museum
Cold War
Italian, Greek (Modern), English
Albury Library Museum
World War II
Chinese, English
State Library of New South Wales
German, French, English
State Library of South Australia
National boundaries
German, English
National Library of Australia
National boundaries
German, English
State Library of Victoria
World War I
German, English
State Library of New South Wales
National boundaries
Museums Victoria Collections
National boundaries
French, English
National Library of Australia
State Library of New South Wales
World War II
Italian, English
State Library of New South Wales
Cold War
Indonesian, English
Museums Victoria Collections
Cold War
English, Dutch, German, Chinese, French, Spanish
Museums Victoria Collections
National boundaries
Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic, English
National Museum of Australia
National boundaries
German, English
National Museum of Australia
World War I
Japanese, English
Museums Victoria Collections
National boundaries
Japanese, English
Museums Victoria Collections
World War I
German, English
State Library of Western Australia
National boundaries
Chinese, English
National Library of Australia
World War II
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
Chinese, English
National Archives of Australia
National boundaries
German, English
National Library of Australia
Cold War
Finnish, Italian, Slovak, Spanish, Vietnamese, English
National Archives of Australia
Cold War
Chinese, English
Public Record Office Victoria
National boundaries
Chinese, English
Public Record Office Victoria
French, English
State Library of New South Wales