Nederlanders buitenbeentjes onder na-oorlogse immigranten
Newspaper article on Dutch migrants, who, contrary to other newcomers, tend to live rural areas and suburbs, not so much in the inner cities.
Dutch are outsiders among post-war immigrants
by Harry Maassen MELBOURNE – Dutch-born immigrants counter the tendency of other post-war newcomers to seek housing in the cities. Dutchies moved to the rural areas and suburbs, while other immigrants moved into the inner cities. The last two ‘population profiles’ from the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research (BIMPR), titled ‘overseas born’ and ‘Australian born’, clearly show that the heart of Australia will always remain empty.
Based on the 1991 census, these last two profiles were issued more than two years after Dr John Nieuwenhuysen proudly handed out the first ‘Netherlands born’-profile at the first Dutch-Australian conference in November 1993 at Monash University. Nieuwenhuysen recently swapped his position as director of the BIMPR for that of CEO of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA). In the city
In 1991, 14,435 people from the Netherlands lived in Sydney (15.2% of the total in Australia of 94,692), and Melbourne had the most significant number: 19,075, or 20.1%, a fifth of all Dutch people. These profiles, and other BIMPR publications, can be obtained from the Commonwealth Government Bookshops. The new census will be held next August.
by Harry Maassen MELBOURNE – Dutch-born immigrants counter the tendency of other post-war newcomers to seek housing in the cities. Dutchies moved to the rural areas and suburbs, while other immigrants moved into the inner cities. The last two ‘population profiles’ from the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research (BIMPR), titled ‘overseas born’ and ‘Australian born’, clearly show that the heart of Australia will always remain empty.
Based on the 1991 census, these last two profiles were issued more than two years after Dr John Nieuwenhuysen proudly handed out the first ‘Netherlands born’-profile at the first Dutch-Australian conference in November 1993 at Monash University. Nieuwenhuysen recently swapped his position as director of the BIMPR for that of CEO of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA). In the city
In 1991, 14,435 people from the Netherlands lived in Sydney (15.2% of the total in Australia of 94,692), and Melbourne had the most significant number: 19,075, or 20.1%, a fifth of all Dutch people. These profiles, and other BIMPR publications, can be obtained from the Commonwealth Government Bookshops. The new census will be held next August.
Date |
1996-04-26 |
Place |
Melbourne |
Transcription |
Nederlanders buitenbeentjes onder na-oorlogse immigranten door Harry Maassen MELBOURNE – In Nederland geboren immigranten liepen dwars in tegen de neiging van naoorlogse nieuwkomers om behuizing te zoeken in de steden. Dutchies trokken naar de landelijke oorden en buitensteden, terwijl andere immigranten de binnensteden opzochten. Uit de laatste twee ‘population profiles’ van het Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research (BIMPR), getiteld ‘overseas born’ en ‘Australian born’, blijkt duidelijk dat het hart van Australie altijd leeg zal blijven. Gebaseerd op de volkstelling van 1991 werden deze twee laatste profielen uitgegeven ruim twee jaar nadat dr. John Nieuwenhuysen vol gerechtvaardigde trots het eerste profiel ‘Netherlands born’ uitdeelde op de eerste Nederlands-Australische conferentie op de Monash Universiteit in november 1993. Dr. Nieuwenhuysen heeft onlangs zijn functie als directeur van het BIMPR verwisseld voor die van CEO, van het Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA). In de stad In 1991 woonden 14.435 mensen uit Nederland in Sydney (15.2% van het totaal in AustraliĆ« van 94.692) en Melbourne had het grootste aantal: 19.075, ofwel 20.1 %, een vijfde van alle Nederlanders. Deze profielen, en andere BIMPR publicaties kunnen worden verkregen van de Commonwealth Government Bookshops. De nieuwe volkstelling wordt in augustus a.s. gehouden. |
Subject | |
Category | |
Author |
Maassen, Harry |
Publisher |
Windmill Publishing |
Keywords |
Dutch migration post war |
Creator |
Dutch Weekly |
Current holder | |
Access rights |
Digitised |
Country of origin | |
Language | |
Physical format |
Newspapers |
Date accessed |
2022-11-15 |
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